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CategoryName: Meat/Poultry
Description: Prepared meats
Product NameSupplierQuantityPerUnitUnitPriceUnitsInStockUnitsOnOrderReorderLevelDiscontinued
Mishi Kobe Niku Tokyo Traders 18 - 500 g pkgs. 97.00 29 0 0
Alice Mutton Pavlova, Ltd. 20 - 1 kg tins 39.00 0 0 0
Thüringer Rostbratwurst Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG 50 bags x 30 sausgs. 123.79 0 0 0
Perth Pasties G'day, Mate 48 pieces 32.80 0 0 0
Tourtière Ma Maison 16 pies 7.45 21 0 10
Pâté chinois Ma Maison 24 boxes x 2 pies 24.00 115 0 20

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