Training Kit -
Training Kit - Help The following is always useful:
<script type="text/javascript">
function openPopUp(a)
    var rules = 'top=350,left=250,height=700,width=700,';
    rules += 'toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=no';
    open(a, 'Montego:Help', rules);
Then in HTML:▶<a href="javascript:openPopUp('../Help/Page0002.htm#FILENAMEanchor4');">Launch A Help File And Go To Context</a>
Launch A Help File And Go To Context
What more do you really need? I guess an input keyboard handler, fetch an ID for 'this' and if you have the <a name=FILENAMEanchor4> matching the name with the ID then it is a done deal.
Type some numbers (no text F2 Help):
Type some numbers (no text F2 Help):
Microsoft Help Viewer 2.0 SDK  A very long time ago Microsoft had a Help System: winhlp32.exe in your windows directory. Under Windows8 this is shipped as a stub file. Now if you try REN or DELete Windows returns "Access Denied". There was some distinct politics at Microsoft when it came to this package. I remember coming across an article by the author of this help system. Yes there was a bug but it never affected me as I learnt WinHelp from the late David Kruglinski (Inside Visual C++). Using his chapter I had Multiple Document Interface ( Document,Frame,View ) with a click the "Context Help" button and then click the Edit field on the Dialog or Form and up comes the help file and on the actual help page for the prompt. I have this running even today with that Visual C++ 6.0 MFC (Enterprise 2000) code compiling, linking and running under Windows 8 with a Visual Studio 2012 build. Of course you will not find a Microsoft released HLP file with a date this century.
There is the HTML Help Workshop which from Microsoft Word RTF files or maybe it is from the HLP file, that creates HTM files and from there a CHM file. In your 64 bit C# it is then possible to:
    private void HelpIndex_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)        
        Help.ShowHelp(this, "..\\..\\hlp\\Help.chm");	  // 1
        //Help.ShowHelp(this, url, HelpNavigator navigator);// 2
        //Help.ShowHelp(this, url, string keyword);// 3
        //Help.ShowHelp(this, url, HelpNavigator command, object parameter);//4
Equally, you could launch a htm file and assume a browser has the file association.
Or even launch Notepad.EXE with read-only TXT files as the Help target.
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