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    The Electronic Trading System has a scripting language that creates a low level api for messages passed over the socket.
    The scope of the parasers is to provide source code in C, C++, Java and C#.
    That was extended to create a XML file and thus a message study tool page.                
    idl_CreateRelease datadesc.th TSI2008.IDL
    idl_ReaderRelease TSI2008.IDL SERVER [0/1]
The Link Anchor XML Using XSLT tries to load a browser window.
Trading System Message API [ Microsoft XSL Transformations(TSI_IDL_2008.XML|UpgradeReport.xslt) ]
  1. » ShopNameCart: Northwind
  2. » ShopNameCart: Household items
  3. » KnockOut! List Products By Category (local Parent Child Foreign Key View Model)
  4. Client Side Local Diffferent Model Version
  1. SignalR : MoveShape - David and Damian Edwards Shared Html Page
  2. KnockOut/SignalR: Select For *LookUp Table* [D_Contract/D_MarketTypes]
  3. KnockOut/SignalR: Form Entry, {Grid: Paging, Sorting and Validation} [Holding Table]
  4. KnockOut/SignalR: FormFilter, Adds Up Number Content [Holding Table]
These Are The Basic Tours Of The Site. The African Wild Life Project Displays The African Big Five. The English Trees Project Displays Hawthorn, Oaks and so on. The Team Leading Project Covers Business Management. The Chess Links are very basic board displays.
These Are The Major Frame Content Highlights This is a junk pile at the moment, the files have to be data mined.
The Page displays files with extentions: ".doc", ".xls",".htm", ".html", ".aspx", ".cshtml", ".xml", ".xsl", ".xslt", ".jar"
The [DirList] program supports the creation of AllSitePages.html for general robots and AllSiteMap.xml for the bing engine.
All Site Pages