Training Kit -

Web Camps Training Kit

CSS style sheets on this site:

  1. The Sample Suite: Loads a given choice
  2. MVC: The latest Microsoft Default
  3. The WebCamps: This File
  4. Html5: The Blog Dashboard
  5. Knockout: With the jQuery injections
  6. SignalR: With the jQuery highlighting injections
There are also the local must have for the page styles and in line as well. We have the Page Inspector, Bundles and css creation tools.
Personally I plan for css for Html5 elements such as: header, footer, aside,section and article along with css Paragraph Anchor span.
All I know is a trip to this type of location C:\Users\****\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\xxZ9A0xx and a DIR of the *.css worries me no end in terms of file size. Code bloat.

Microsoft's Web Camps are training events that teach you how to build websites using the latest web technologies including ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET 4.5, ASP.NET Web API, jQuery, HTML5 and Windows Azure. You can find out more about Web Camps happening near you and sign up here: Deploy your sites to Windows Azure Web Sites, which allows you to host ten ASP.NET Web Sites for free. Micrsoft aim to update WebCamps every couple of months so you can always expect to have the latest learning material at your finger tips. If there are things that you would like us to include in the next version, then drop us a line:

Model Binding with ASP.NET Web Forms: Strongly Typed Data Controls
  <asp:Repeater ID="customersRepeater" runat="server" 
		  <a href="CustomerDetails.aspx?id=<%#: Item.Id %>">
			<%#: Item.FirstName %> <%#: Item.LastName %>

	<asp:Repeater ID="customersRepeater" runat="server" 
			SelectMethod="GetCustomers" >
public IQueryable < Customer > GetCustomers([Control]DateTime? createdSince)
  IQueryable < Customer > query = _db.Customers;
  if (createdSince.HasValue)
	query = query.Where( i => i.CreatedOn >= createdSince.Value );
  return query;
Web Forms: Model Binding Inserting Data
<asp:FormView runat="server" ID="customerForm"
		<asp:Label   runat="server" Text="Name:" AssociatedControlID="Name" />
		<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="Name" Text="<%# BindItem.Name %>" />


public void InsertCustomer()
	var customer = new Customer();
	TryUpdateModel( customer );

	if (ModelState.IsValid)
		_db.Customers.Add( customer );
		SaveChanges( customer );
public static class AuthConfig
    public static void RegisterAuth()
        // To let users of this site log in using their accounts from other sites such as Microsoft, Facebook, and Twitter,
        // you must update this site. For more information visit

        //    clientId: "",
        //    clientSecret: "");

        //    consumerKey: "",
        //    consumerSecret: "");

        //    appId: "",
        //    appSecret: "");


This Web Camps Training Kit contains a set of training material like presentations and hands on labs you can use to learn and improve your web development skills. It aims at showing how to take advantage of the latest Microsoft Web Platform Technologies including Visual Studio 2012, ASP.NET 4.5, ASP.NET MVC 4 and ASP.NET Web API among others.

Transform snippet rotating an image

Note: If you are using Internet Explorer 10 and cannot see the shadows, make sure the document mode is set to IE10 standards. Press F12 to open Internet Explorer developer tools and click Document Mode to change to IE10 standards.

Follows: anchor, {section h1 h4}, p, anchor, {section, h1}, div, footer

this is h1 just below HelpCode10

this is h2 just below helpcode10

this is h3 just below helpcode10

this is h4 just below HelpCode10

The HTML Web Page Item0001.htm has a couple of input handlers where Keystroke F2 comes to either the anchor name "HelpCode10" above or "HelpCode11" below.

The HTML Web Page Item0001.htm has a couple of input handlers where Keystroke F2 comes to either the anchor name "HelpCode10" above or "HelpCode11" below.

The HTML Web Page Item0001.htm has a couple of input handlers where Keystroke F2 comes to either the anchor name "HelpCode10" above or "HelpCode11" below.

The HTML Web Page Item0001.htm has a couple of input handlers where Keystroke F2 comes to either the anchor name "HelpCode10" above or "HelpCode11" below.

this is h1 just below HelpCode11

This Paragraph element is inside a section element (whose immediate sequential preceding sibling is the help anchor)

How Tables Should Be Defined
    <tr><th>TH Number 1</th><th>TH Number 2</th></tr>
    <tr><td>TD RCRC AAA</td><td>TD RCRC BBB</td></tr>
    <tr><td>TD RCRC CCC</td><td>TD RCRC DDD</td></tr>

    <tr><td colspan='2'>TD RCRC CCC</td></tr>

    <tr><tf>TF Invented</tf><tf>PURE RECTANGLE</tf></tr>
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